Amends to Nature
I have loved colours, and not flowers;
Their motion, not the swallows wings;
And wasted more than half my hours
Without the comradeship of things.
How is it, now, that I can see,
With love and wonder and delight,
The children of the hedge and tree,
The little lords of day and night?
How is it that I see the roads,
No longer with usurping eyes,
A twilight meeting-place for toads,
A mid-day mart for butterflies?
I feel, in every midge that hums,
Life, fugitive and infinite,
And suddenly the world becomes
A part of me and I of it.
Tebigaty düzediş
Reñkleri söýerdim,
A gülleri däl.
Kebelekleñ uçuşny,emma
Ganatlarny däl.
Kimse bilen dostlaşmazdan
Şeýdip geçirmişem wagty bihuda.
Indi men nädipler bakyp bilerin
Söýgi bilen,haýranlyk hem keýp bilen.
Agaçlañ,haýatlañ çagalaryna
Kiçi Soltanlarna günleñ hem tünleñ.
Mundan artyk sütemkär gözler bilen,
Nädipler ýoluny saýgararyn men
Bakalañ duşuşýan garañky ýerniñ,
Kebelekleñ günortanky bazarnyñ?!
Bedew çapýan tükeniksiz günleri
Çirkeýleriñ wyzzyldysynda duýýan.
Birdenem dünýä meñ zerräme dönýär,
Menem onuñ bir bölegne öwrülýän.
Terjime eden: Meñli Aşyrowa |